Assembly Bill 3087 would set reimbursements for hospitals and doctors through an independent panel

Bay Area Assembly Member Ash Kalra is proposing that CA set up an independent, nine-member state commission to set health care reimbursements for hospitals, doctors and other providers in the private-insurance market serving employers and individuals.  That’s an interesting thought and will be heavily challenged by physician groups and hospitals.  Both of which have deep pockets.  Kalra proposes that the commission use Medicare reimbursements as a benchmark and then factor in providers’ operating costs, geography and a reasonable amount of profit to establish rates.  This type of regulation is currently being used with public utilities.  #AB3087 would mirror what Maryland has been doing since 1970, with limited success.  There is an argument that doctors and providers would exit the industry if this bill passes.  Who knows if that would really happen.  CA’s Health Exchange, #CoveredCA, started out slow, but seems to have flourished.  Another idea that many thought would go bust.

Employers and Lawmakers are looking for ways to “bend the curve”

Employers and families are always searching for ways to bend the cost of healthcare.  #ObamaCare was great about giving people access to coverage and helping them pay for it.  The problem is that until we figure out a way to reduce the COST of healthcare…nothing will change, the monthly premiums will continue to rise.  How do we fix it?  That’s the million dollar question. There are some ways to bend the cost curve, as they say, but to truly reduce #HealthInsurance premiums, we have to reduce the cost of healthcare

ObamaCare was Insurance Reform, not Health Reform

Hey…any reform would be welcome at this point right?  I’m no fan of insurance companies, but they are a necessary evil.  I want them to make a profit…just not a killing!  Same the with the pharmaceuticals.  Come on man….we want you to make a profit, but geez!  The message you need to hear from this is that NOTHING will change, until we reign in the COST of healthcare.  That’s the bottom line.

Brauer Insurance can help you BEND that cost curve a bit.  There are strategies that work.  Call us for info, either my daughter Bonnie or I would be happy to talk to you..with no expectation of doing business.  (877) 421-4325

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