Small companies

Government looking for ways to end the Cadillac Tax on employers, part of the current ACA….more taxes

There is wide support to repeal the current ObamaCare (ACA) Cadillac Tax due to take effect in 2022 for #employers and affecting Group Health Plans and Employee Benefit offerings by companies.  The tax was introduced by Obama as a way to help pay for the uninsured citizens in the US.  The Cadillac Tax would impose […]

Government looking for ways to end the Cadillac Tax on employers, part of the current ACA….more taxes Read More »

Small Business Employers offering Group Benefits at all time high

CA Employers are offering Group Health Insurance and Benefits to their employees at its highest level in 10 years.  Employers are offering Employee Benefits more than ever, even though the prices are rising.  There is major competition for talent and employers want to stay relevant and compete with other similar companies. Smaller companies are competing

Small Business Employers offering Group Benefits at all time high Read More »

Insurance companies NOT hurting for money….record profits this year

Even though I’m an Independent Insurance Broker, I am not a fan of most of the insurance carriers.  The effects of NOT having health insurance plan, or Group Health Insurance plan, could be disastrous, economically.  Honestly, Health Insurance is a necessary evil.  If you are an employer, and you offer a Group Health Plan, you

Insurance companies NOT hurting for money….record profits this year Read More »

Employees enrolling into HSA compatible Health Plans continues to grow, here’s why

Since 2004, the concept of using an #HSA has been growing steadily, and its predicted that it will surpass both HRAs and FSAs.  That’s a lot of acronyms.  To sum it all up, people like HSAs.  They’re not wild about High Deductible Health Plans, or #HDHPs, but that is the only way to have an

Employees enrolling into HSA compatible Health Plans continues to grow, here’s why Read More »

How about employers that want to give employees $$ to go out and buy their own Health Insurance, not so fast!

It used to be that employers would give their employees money to purchase their own Individual-Family plans.  They would find plans on the internet or through an Independent Broker.  Some employers would “reimburse” employees for their health insurance expenses that they found on their own.  Many companies would claim the money paid as a “business

How about employers that want to give employees $$ to go out and buy their own Health Insurance, not so fast! Read More »

ACA Employer Mandate and Pay or Play may be going away, possibly retroactively! Employers are cheering

I would not celebrate yet…but H.R. 4616 would basically shut down the ACA’s Employer Mandate, sometimes known as the “Pay or Play” for larger employers.  Members of the House of Representatives will be voting very soon on this bill that could suspend collection of the ACA Employer Mandate penalties and also further delay the ACA

ACA Employer Mandate and Pay or Play may be going away, possibly retroactively! Employers are cheering Read More »