Group Health Insurance, HR Directors and Managers behavior, 2018

New laws require managers to change their behaviors in three ways in 2018. Overall, these are not onerous requirements. What a welcome change from previous years!

1. Hiring managers cannot inquire about an applicant’s current pay. In the past, managers could find out a recruit’s current pay and then offer just a slight increase. These bumps did not have to be at market rate—and often weren’t. Effective January 2018, these salary questions are no longer allowed. Companies should change their applications if salary inquiries questions appear on the application.

2. While updating their applications, companies with 5 or more employees need to “Ban-the-Box” and stop asking about convictions at all stages prior to an offer being issued.

3. Managers need to be trained to be more sensitive to LGBTQ issues. Avoidance of discrimination to this protected class has been added to the mandatory Sexual Harassment and Anti-Abusive prevention classes for companies with 50 or more employees. Smaller companies should be looking at these issues too because the legislature’s action indicates that this kind of discrimination may be labeled a high enforcement priority in the near future.