If you are an employer offering group health insurance coverage to your employees, we are the broker for you! We have licenses in four different states, but we specialize in Redwood City, CA. We have small, husband and wife clients, as well as large companies with one hundred or more employees.
We specialize in employee benefit programs for employers who offer medical benefits to their employees. We have different strategies that we apply when researching what health plan would be best for your company.
Often times small businesses will call us and have questions about their current coverage. Since we are not their broker, we cannot answer the questions that they have. Making an agent your broker is very easy to do. It just takes a letter signed by the company manager on company letterhead and send that to your current medical carrier! There are no changes made to your plan or anything else.
Because of healthcare reform, many companies are looking into healthcare that is affordable. There are many different plans out there through common carriers like: Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Kaiser, and SeeChange Health (Cigna network). They have many plans that would work perfectly with your small group business.
If you’re working with a broker currently but they are not giving you the attention that you need as a small business, then let us help you. If you are located in Redwood City, CA and need a little more attention than maybe other small businesses, let our services be useful to you.
Bonnie Shelton – 408-421-5555 – 3150 Almaden Expressway, Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95118