Affordable Health Insurance for companies, San Jose, CA

There is affordable Health Insurance for companies out there in San Jose, but not necessarily with the pricing of the health insurance plan.  The employer that offers Affordable Health Insurance is one that helps the employee pay for the insurance but not to the point where either the employee or employer is paying the entire bill.  Employees have to see a value in the Health Insurance or they will not want to participate in the contribution of the cost.  Affordable Health Insurance is attainable but you may need some other supplement products that help “underfund” the gaps in the plan.  Affordable Health Insurance is affordable but may also have some coverage areas that area  bit thin.  That’s where the gap insurance or supplement insurance can be a real help in the case of the consumer.

Supplement Insurance or Gap Insurance helps employees that have affordable Health Insurance

Employees complain a lot about Affordable Health Insurance they have that is not sufficient for their needs.  The price may be good, but the coverage has some gaps.  The Gap Insurance or Supplement insurance, I believe, is a great product.  It covers things that many Affordable Health Insurance plans do not cover.  I call it “insuring your deductible”.  Many times Affordable Health Insurance for companies have higher deductibles that most people will never get to.  The supplement product addresses that and helps underfund the deductible by covering issues that may occur when they happen, helping the employee pay the deductible

Insuring your deductible with quality products

I began the Health Insurance journey years ago before ObamaCare blew it up.  When the deductibles began to get very high, I searched for products that would help people…and myself, pay those deductibles.  Gap insurance and supplement insurance was that product.  They are very inexpensive and pay your for health issues that happen, right away, allowing you to help meet your deductible.  The coverage includes accidents, ER visits, broken bones, surgery, and a whole host of other medical issues.  Gap products worked very well in previous years, and still work well with ObamaCare plans, but not quite as well.