Changing Group Health Plans for 2015, San Jose, CA

If you are an employer needing to change your Group Health Plan for 2015, there are many choices available to you.  If you currently have SeeChange Health Insurance you will need to find another Group Health Plan by January of 2015 also.  SeeChange Health Insurance is going out of business and not selling Group Health Plans past December 2014.  Changing to another Group Health Plan is not difficult.  There are really only a few documents that you need to produce.  Documents like the EDD Quarterly Tax Statement, a business license, Payroll Registers or Journals are a few of the documents needed.  Changing Group Health Insurance plans means a lot of back and forth with your Independent Broker and the underwriting team of that insurance company.  We submit documentation, then we get a laundry list back from the underwriters, asking questions, verifying things.  Then once that’s done, the enrollment starts.  The insurance company enrolls each and every employee and their dependents into the selected plan.

Enrollment from one carrier to another can be a bit tricky

Sometimes when you change from one carrier to another, there are considerations that you would not have thought about.  One consideration when you change Group Health Plans is when an employee or their dependent has an ongoing medical issue that needs to be transitioned to the other carrier.  That can be a bit tricky when one insurance company takes over for another one.  Many insurance companies will not only transfer care, but apply the employee’s deductible from the old carrier to the new one.  This depends on the plan type and insurance company.

Transition of care is important with changing Group Health Plans

Little things like care transition can be sometimes overlooked when you are doing a change.  Providing deductible credit is another nice feature that some insurance companies will do for the new client.  If you are moving from one PPO to another PPO, it can be easy…..not so when you’re dealing with an HMO and PPO switch.  Having a good Independent Broker can make all the difference in the world.  We work for free….our commission is built into the insurance cost whether you use a broker or not.