Employee Benefit strategies, Business Health Insurance, San Jose, CA

There are ways that businesses can not only save a ton of money, but actually increase their Employee Benefits at the same time.  It takes some forward thinking and…..a strategy!  At Brauer Insurance we have a proven strategy that is guaranteed.  I have been in countless companies, speaking to CFOs, CEOs, and HR Managers showing them our system.  EVERY one of them tell me the same thing: “why hasn’t our current broker shown us this?”  My response, “maybe you should ask your broker”.

Business Health Insurance is expensive…no doubt about it.  But it does NOT have to cost a fortune, it really doesn’t.  If you look at Employee Benefits like an investment, you’ve taken on a different mindset.  Wouldn’t you have a “strategy” for your investments??  Why should this be any different?  Employee Benefit Strategies are out there, you just have to know where to look.  Enter Brauer Insurance.  We can typically save companies between 15%-55%, and in most cases increase your Employee Benefits!!

Business Health Insurance can be Kaiser, Anthem Blue Cross, HealthNet, United, Cigna, Aetna, Blue Shield, etc.  Business Health Insurance can be a husband-wife home based business or a medium sized company with 100 employees.  Our Employee Benefit Strategy works with ALL companies.  The more employees you have, the more savings you have!  The Brauer Insurance Employee Benefit Strategy can be used with HMOs, PPOs or any type of plan you currently have.

Occasionally I see the smug, larger brokerages at some events gloating that they have some really big accounts and all the commission they collect.  It’s pretty funny when I end up taking one of their companies away from them when I show the management our strategy.  Hey, if they want to keep doing business as usual……they better move over!

I don’t blame you for being skeptical.  After 28 years of police work, I’m pretty skeptical too.  My philosophy is simple.  Give me 30 minutes and I will give you examples and plenty of testimonials.  If it’s not a “fit” for your business, that’s OK, really!  I won’t bug you or try to “close” you or do something most sleazy sales guys would do.  I probably hate them more than you!!

Steve Brauer….President-Founder…..Brauer Insurance Services LLC….3150 Almaden Expwy, Suite 203, San Jose, CA 95118…(877) 421-4325