Health Insurance and Employee Benefits for businesses, Mountain View, CA, small business employee insurance

With ObamaCare at the forefront of the news these days, employers are even more confused about their choices and mandates that lye ahead of them.  Insuring your employees with Health Insurance and Employee Benefits is actually not that difficult.  It’s become pricey and a bit confusing to get started, but there are some strategies that you can use to mitigate much of the cost, and having a good Health Insurance broker is the number one key.  An agent that specializes in Health Insurance is worth their weight in gold.  There is just too much information and techniques to learn for someone to learn all of the different types of insurance out there.

Having a broker that specializes in Health Insurance can make a huge difference

If you had a heart problem, would you go to a General Practitioner or a Specialist?  Of course…so would I.  It’s the same type of reasoning when you are looking for help with anything, whether it be automotive, plumbing, or advice on education.  Having specific knowledge about certain industries can make a world of difference.  Brauer Insurance is that specialist.  Lots of agencies offer Health Insurance….we specialize in it.  That’s our tagline.  Yeah, it’s kinda korny, but is the absolute truth, seriously.  Our services are free, whether you use an agent that does all types of insurance or if you use a specialist like Brauer Insurance.

Health Insurance specialists do not charge a fee, our services are free to our clients

When you choose Brauer Insurance, our services are free.  That means that you get the benefit of our 11 years of helping small, medium and large clients with their Health Insurance and Employee Benefit strategies.  And folks, there absolutely is a strategy to this.  Besides a bunch of HR type free services, we have an actual strategy that we can show you on paper.  I guarantee your current broker does not have that.  Showing you plans and appearing one time a year at renewal is not our idea of service.  If you would like a second look at your Employee Benefits and Health Insurance, give us a call