Small Business Employee Benefits in Oakland and Mountain View, CA

Many business owners think that small business health insurance is way out of their reach to bring to their employees.  Think again.  Yes, health insurance in Oakland and Mountain View, CA can be costly but there are strategic ways to go about making it very affordable for you as the employer and to your employees.

We have been hearing a lot lately about employers who offer benefits to their employees and how much the employees appreciate it so much.  We have noticed that workers often stay longer with small companies who offer medical and dental benefits.  Employees that are well taken care of at their place of employment tend to like working where they work more!  It just  makes sense.

If you are a small business owner (1-50 employees) and are looking to see about benefits for your employees, please give us a call.  We are located in San Jose, CA but we serve all over the Bay Area including Oakland and Mountain View, CA.  If you are an employer who currentlydoes have medical benefits, then you are in luck!  Do you have a broker?  If you don’t, brokers are free.  Our fees are already built into every plan ever offered– even if you choose to opt out of a broker.  There are really only benefits to having a broker navigate the health insurance world for you.

If you do have a broker, then they should be working hard for you.  We get about a 7% commission on whatever you pay on your monthly premiums.  Has your broker been meeting with you quarterly or at least twice a year to let you know what your options are?  If not, you may want to ask why.  We meet with our larger clients at least quarterly and make sure they are getting the best deals that are out there.  Brokers can be changed at any point.  Let us help you with your employee benefits.

If you are a small group employer based in Oakland or Mountain View, CA, give us a call– you will not regret it! (408) 421-5555 Steve Brauer & Bonnie Shelton